100 % organic, non toxic and 98 % biodegradable, Infinite n°1 is an extremely powerful and versatile soap that can be used for different applications and surfaces such as:
-Teak cleaner step 1
-Bilge cleaner
-Hull and deck cleaner (extreme soiling)
-All other applications requiring the use of an alkaline cleaner with a strongly high PH
Operation instructions:
Teak cleaner step 1: Dilute to a maximum of 25% with clear water.
Other uses: Dilute 5 to 20 % in a bucket or spray with clear water depending on the contamination on the surface to be cleaned.
Teak cleaner step 1: First, wet the surface to be cleaned. Apply the solution, let it act 1 to 2 minutes, rub energetically the surface with a pad or hard brush without letting it dry then rinse thoroughly.
Other uses: Apply the product on a wet surface, rub then rinse thoroughly with clear water.